Monday, September 23, 2013

SURPRISE... We're moving to Disney!!!

Hello All,

Our countdown is officially OVER... and  It's time to hit the road for a 18 hr drive.  Just for reintroduction sake for those of you who are not familiar with our family....

My name is Perlonia and I'm a 26 years old mom of 1 who is addicted to all things Disney and Harry Potter ;) . My husband, Carlos (DH), and I have been married for 4 years ...and counting

Our son Kamron (DS) is 5  (soon to be six in less than 72 hrs. ) He is mostly addicted to anything that involves either talking, jumping, running, climbing, flipping or all of the above concurrently.  This entire trip is to celebrate his birthday and 1st visit to Disney World... and NO he doesn't have a clue that he's going. 

Last but NOT least TONY the lizard...

Now time for the juicy details... My DH informed my DS that we were moving to another state, in order for us to be closer to my new job. We picked DS up from school on Friday, which explains the school uniform above. 

After informing DS that we would be moving to another state, some of his concerns were, "How will I get my breathing treatment? How will everyone know where I am? How is my bed coming to our new house?" and my personal favorite "Well, I sure hope the moving people have all my toys because I have to organize my new room" (I know probably the meanest thing a parent could do, but it was for a great cause.)

Leaving Michigan ....

Had to take a picture of this because we haven't seen this price in Michigan in a while. Around Atlanta Georgia gas was $3.09 a gallon. 

Sleeping peacefully while dreaming of his new room set up :) 

After a little over 18 hrs we were in Florida and the excitement was beginning to get the best of me.  We stopped at the welcome center in Florida had some FREE orange juice and took a few pictures. 


Loving Florida already!

Back on the road......

Not a very GREAT picture but I could have sworn that the lake was shaped like a Mickey head!!!

***"Oopsy" Alert***


Ok so I was so amped up I totally forgot to take picture of the resort in the day so... I just took some at night.

 Hidden Mickey's EVERYWHERE :)


To Be Continued..........

Once again Feel free to contact me on Facebook, DIS BoardsTwitter !!!

Until Next Time


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