Sunday, March 10, 2013


Hello All,

I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I've been extremely busy with work and school.  I was able to book BOG for dinner on the day I originally wanted, however with doing that I had to rearrange the entire plan. So with everything planned out (or so I thought) I had just started thinking about T-shirt ideas when (dun dun dun). I received my son's acceptance letter into the school that I applied for last year. Exciting news right, It was until I realized that they moved up the dates for the first day of school to August 19th. Not good since we are going to WDW from August 24th-31st. I'm sure I'll be able to work something out with the school but it was just a bummer for me to see that. The entire reason we choose those dates were because school normally starts around the second week in September. Another major factor was that we were praying that Disney offered Free Dining during this period since historically for the most part they have. I'll try and post the updated Itinerary in about 2 days. So until next Time!!!

Feel free to contact me on Facebook, DIS BoardsTwitter !!!

Until Next Time


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